Just before half term we finished our paper mache Faberge eggs by decorating them. We all thought carefully about our colour choices and decoration, some children chose to draw faces or write names because on the real Faberge eggs there were often images of people as decoration. All the children thoroughly enjoyed this Art project and were very proud of their creations.
In Maths we have begun to look at Place Value for numbers up to 50. We have spent time grouping objects into tens so they are easier to count and representing numbers in tens and ones by drawing them ourselves. The image below shows how we do it.

= 37
In English we have been focusing on the story of A squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson. We have shown FANTASTIC storytelling techniques and rewritten this story pretending to be the little old woman ourselves. Some of us do need to keep practising our handwriting though to make it easier for Mr. Soughton to read.
We have also been busy starting to learn about our Senses. We now know we have 5 of them and are starting to explore them. We worked with a partner to complete some different activities and had to decide if they were easy to do when our eyes were open or closed.
After that Ms. Wilkins made us use our sense of smell to smell different things in secret pots. Some of them smelt horrible! We had to try and guess what was in them, some were definitely easier than others.