World Book Day in Jaguars & more! πŸŒΌπŸ“š

Lily CollinsYear 1, Jaguars


In math, the Jaguars have been learning about even bigger numbers! We can now count up to and understand numbers to 50 and how they’re made up of tens and ones, e.g. 47 is 4 tens and 7 ones.

We then moved on to starting our work on measuring which will take us right up to Easter. We started by looking at the language we use like bigger, smaller, taller and shorter. We have had to order a lot of things by size and make sure we are using these correct words. We then moved on to looking at how we can measure the length and height of things using non-standard units, we used cubes to measure things and learnt to be very precise and perfect with our measuring.

In english, we have been practicing writing using our five essential tools: capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, adjectives and conjunctions. We’re all trying our best to remember all of these while improving our handwriting. Practice makes perfect!

In science, we have moved on from learning about humans and our senses to learning about plants. We have thought about what plants need in order to grow, the different parts of plants and what they do and we have even planted our own beans in the hope we grow a beanstalk! Once they are big enough, we will be bringing these home to plant in our gardens. 

On World Book Day we dressed up in our most exciting outfits and had a great time listening to different teachers read their favourite books. After, we even designed a cover for our favourite book.

Please don’t forget to return your child’s allergy form so that we can enjoy our cooking and tasting lessons in DT and we also have our open afternoon on Friday 17th March from 2:45 so that you have the opportunity to see some of your child’s work.