D.T Cooking & Taste Testing in Tigers

Lily CollinsYear 1, Tigers


We are heading towards the Easter holidays and warmer days with full speed in Tigers and whilst incredibly busy are loving every minute of it. 

I would just like to say a huge Thank You to all of the parents who found time to come into class and share the children’s work with them last week, the children were very excited and proud to show you what they have achieved this year and I know from lots of comments that you were too. They have made fantastic progress with their learning!

We have been very busy continuing our learning on measuring over the last fortnight. We progressed from using cubes to measure the length of things to trying hard to use a ruler correctly and measure in cm’s. Some of us were very precise and accurate whereas others found it quite dificult to ensure we started from the first mark on the ruler not the edge of the plastic! (We blamed the ruler designer!) Since then we have moved on to measuring the weight of things. Some of the language we are using has been heavier, lighter and equal to. We have also spent lots of time exploring the balance scales and seeing how many cubes different things weigh. 

Our English lessons have been all about beanstalks recently, we have retold the stories of Jasper’s Beanstalk and Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have been working really hard to remember the correct order when re-writing the stories along with finger spaces, capital letters, full stops, great spelling, adjectives, conjunctions and neat handwriting! It is an ongoing joke in Tigers that Mrs Clist doesn’t ask for much within our writing!

In Science we have started discussing trees and looking at how they are similar to plants. We have also been keeping a close eye on our bean plants, lots of them have some brilliant roots and shoots so they have come home to be planted out into some bigger pots with some compost. 

The last two weeks has seen a huge amount of DT taking place in our classroom all revolving around food. We began by discussing where our food comes from even before it gets to Tesco! We had some fantastic conversations surrounding food and how fish fingers actually have fish in them and most definitely do not swim around the sea looking like they do in our freezers. We then moved on to discussing healthy and unhealthy food, I think some children were quite disappointed when Mrs Clist said that crisps and McDonalds count as a treat rather than a healthy food.  Finally we planned some healthy snacks and drinks before using the practical room to create strawberry milkshakes and some cheesy carrot star bites. The children were excellent at chopping, measuring, grating and even fantastic at washing up! The cheesy carrot bites went down incredibly well and lots of children wanted more, I personally will be making them for my children’s lunchboxes so if any of you would like to replicate them at home here is the very simple recipe –

Carrot Star Bites – Healthy Little Foodies Carrot star bites are fantastic for baby-led weaning or as toddler snack. Also great for big kids too – a healthy lunchbox item. www.healthylittlefoodies.com
Puxton Park, number one for Somerset fun

Please don’t forget it is our visit to Puxton Park on Monday. Children need to be wearing school uniform t-shirt and jumper, comfortable trousers such as leggings or jogging bottoms, comfortable shoes or trainers which can get muddy and bring their coat. There is no need to bring book bags.