Salad and Cheese Straws in Year 5 πŸ₯—

Lily CollinsYear 5, Kangaroos, Wombats


This term Year 5 made great use of the practical room to make a salad, dressing and cheese straws! We started our day talking about how to stay safe in the kitchen and ensuring we understood the importance of personal hygiene and how to keep the kitchen itself hygienic. Throughout the day we researched salads: when did they first appear, who introduced them and how have they changed? We learnt about different chopping skills (like bridge and claw) and studied an example of a salad recipe before creating our own! 

Throughout the day we used the practical room in groups. Each group made a salad that included carrot, lettuce, pepper, radish, cucumber and tomato. We followed a recipe to make cheese straws, using flour, water and cheese – they were delicious and our favourite part of the day. When eating our salad we tried it by itself and then with a balsamic dressing; we were surprised by how many of us liked, and even preferred, the salad with the balsamic dressing. Miss Moore and I were incredibly impressed with everyone’s effort and behaviour on this day and their willingness to try the salad!