What a busy start to Early Years the children have had! They have enjoyed exploring all areas of the classroom. We have been busy finger-painting rainbows, creating observational Sunflower paintings , colouring, playing with the playdough and lots more.
This week the children have been practicing the sounds ‘s’, ‘a’, ‘t,’ and ‘p’ in phonics and have used magnetic letters to form some words using these sounds and developing their letter formation. In maths the children have been learning all about the numbers 1, 2 and 3 and have been practising their number formation.
In our skills afternoons the children have been drawing a picture of themselves and painted their handprint (PSHE), we talked about people who can help us when we are feeling sad (PSHE), and also started to develop our handwriting skills by making patterns on whiteboards with pens (Lit, PD).
We started the day on Friday with our ‘Friday Singing’, learning songs that we will eventually sing with the rest of the school in a Friday assembly.