We have been getting very creative in Dolphins Class over the past few weeks as we have been learning about Pop Art. We looked at two famous Pop Artists – Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Inspired by their work, we created Pop Art paintings of the Tor and used Ben-Day dots to draw self-portraits in a cartoon style.
In English we have been reading ‘The King Who Banned The Dark’. Everyone has really enjoyed reading the story and the children have produced some amazing pieces of writing linked to the text. We wrote a newspaper report informing people about the ‘Dark Ban’ as well as persuasive letters to the King. To finish off we wrote free verse poetry about a fireworks celebration.
In History, we have just started a new unit learning all about the Ancient Egyptians. We began by looking at where Egypt was in the world and found out when the Ancient Egyptian civilisation lived. To show this we created a toilet roll timeline where each square represented a century. This helped to show us how very long ago the Ancient Egyptians lived – over 5000 years! The timeline ended up being the entire length of the classroom! We are all looking forward to learning more about this fascinating area of history.
This week in Science, we began our topic on sound. We investigated how sounds are made and learnt that all sounds are made from vibrations. We tested this out by watching what happens as we hit a drum or a tambourine. We also completed a sound survey around school to investigate what sounds we could hear and what vibrations were causing the sounds.