How are all these items linked I hear you question? I bet your child can tell you. The Year 2 team have been absolutely blown away by the children’s interest and retention of historical facts. Which Carnival float always comes first at Bridgwater?
In Maths we have been learning to use the column method, lining up our digits and either adding or subtracting. We have been learning what happens when our ones make more than ten and we need to exchange it to the next column.
In English we have been looking at the Author Benji Davies. We have predicted what we think might happen from the front cover and asked questions to find out more. Grandad’s Island is our current book and we cannot wait to find out what happens within the story! Perhaps you can share what we already know with someone at home?
We have had a fantastic time learning about photographs; how to take them, the best angle to take them at, how to have the subject of the photo in the centre.
It will soon be time to start rehearsing … I wonder which songs we will be learning? Watch this space!