In our English lessons we have been reading “The Worst Witch” by Jill Murphy. The children have really enjoyed the story so far. We have designed our very own broomsticks for a witch or wizard. We all came up with some amazing designs with some very interesting added features. We then wrote persuasive adverts to sell our brooms to other witches and wizards.
We have started our new topic all about South America. We used facts and then an atlas to locate the countries of south America on a map.
We have then looked more closely at Brazil and compared it to the UK. The children independently researched facts including: population, hemisphere, climate and size! We found out that Brazil is much larger, warmer and home to many more people.

In our science lessons this half term we are learning all about rocks, how they are formed and their properties.
We started by looking closely at different types of rocks and describing their properties using scientific language.
We then went on to test which rocks are permeable and which are impermeable. We did this by using a pipette and dropping a small amount of water on each rock and watching to see if it rolled off or soaked into the rock. We found out that chalk, sandstone, limestone and granite are all permeable but slate and marble are not!