We have had a very busy few weeks in Year 1 doing lots of very exciting things!
In Maths we have been learning about measuring and comparing mass and capacity! We really enjoyed using the scales to see how many cubes different items from around our classroom weighed. We realised that even though some objects are bigger than others, it doesn’t always mean they will weigh more. This week we have moved onto measuring capacity. We had a really fun lesson outside where we were measuring how many cups of water would fill different sized containers such as saucepans, containers and jugs.
In English this week we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk, a story that most of us were already familiar with. We wrote a letter to the giant, drew a story map, acted out the story and then re-wrote the story into our books in our most beautiful handwriting, concentrating on full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. The children did so well with re-telling the story, making sure to include all the small details.
In DT this week we enjoyed 2 cooking sessions! We made carrot and cheese bites and strawberry and banana milkshakes. Making these involved practicing our grating and chopping skills and everyone all did very well, and mostly enjoyed tasting the end result!
We have enjoyed observing our beans growing, and children will be able to bring these home on Wednesday to continue looking after them at home.