Happy Half Term Year 1

Office UserYear 1, Jaguars, Tigers

Wow, what a fantastic group of children we have in this year! Yesterday’s sharing assembly was fantastic and we are incredibly proud of them, we’re sure you are too. They were all very brave especially as some children were feeling quite scared just before we started. 

We have had a very busy end to the term in all subjects but after yesterday probably don’t need to tell you about our English lessons!

Maths has been all about times tables, sharing, making groups and understanding the place value of numbers to 100. That sounds like an awful lot of learning.

Over the holidays it would be brilliant if you could listen to your child skip count in 2’s, 10’s and 5’s. If they can do this confidently maybe they can try it backwards as a challenge. 

Hopefully you have all seen the beautiful art work in our classroom windows which is all based on a book called ‘The Dot’. This book shows us that even when you think you can’t draw that you actually are still an exceptional artist. We loved practising the different doodles and creating our collaborative dots.

In our Geography unit we were learning about our local area and enjoyed escaping the school gates for a little walk. We had to keep a look out for human and physical features such as trees, bus stops and post boxes. We also found lots of houses that we or our family members lived in which was incredibly exciting.

In our Science lessons we have loved exploring different materials recently and talking about their properties such as hard, smooth, flexible and we even used the word transparent. 

Have a lovely break and we will see you ready for our final term together!