Year 5 News!

Office UserYear 5, Kangaroos, Wombats

We have had an incredibly busy first week back in Year 5:

We have spent most of the week designing and constructing our Viking weapons and artefacts. We have had to consider which materials would be best for our items and decide how we might reinforce them to make them strong. There have been some incredibly creative and innovative ideas. Mrs. Donnelly, very kindly took individual photos of the children in their costumes with everything they had made – they will bring these home at the end of the year in their folders. We had a brilliant afternoon on Thursday, making a Viking encampment, electing a King, Queen and their regents. We held a ‘Thing’ to name our tribe and built sore for weapons and valuables. We also constructed a jail for those Vikings who broke the law.

Despite being so busy with the Vikings, we also found time to keep a scientific observation diary on our classroom visitors (butterflies – Painted Ladies). We were very lucky in Kangaroos to see 3 of the butterflies emerge – one on Mrs. Moore’s desk (we had to get that back in the net very quickly!! We have released them today; they all flew off into our trees and bushes around the site.