Year 1 News

Office UserYear 1, Jaguars, Tigers

What an exciting week we have had! This week it has been creativity week so we have spent every day being amazing artists – our teachers are very proud of the incredible drawing, colouring, painting and collaging we have done!

Each year group focussed on a different country and we chose the UK! We started the week by drawing pictures of what comes to mind when we think of the UK, and we also spent time collaging Union Jacks with different materials like card and tissue paper!

We have also spent time learning about artists from each country within the UK! We learned all about tartan and the children were amazing at weaving their own out of lots of different bits of fabric, wool, pipe cleaners and ribbon! We learned all about Banksy and created our own graffiti name labels, practicing our bubble writing and then making them stand out with a newspaper and a card border! We also had the chance to go outside and create our own natural artwork, just like the artist Andy Goldsworthy.

We loved showing all our amazing artwork off to other year groups in the school when we held our exhibition on Friday, and we really enjoyed seeing all the brilliant artwork the other year groups have made this week too!

The children will be bringing their masterpieces home with them today to show you!

Have a lovely weekend!