Roman Day

Office UserYear 3, Gophers, Meerkats

On Roman Day, we attended Roman Army school and learnt about what life was like for a Roman child and the strict training routine they had to do to become the most successful armies ever! 

After break, we learnt about mosaics and how they were a sign of wealth in the Roman times. We had a go at making our own mosaics. 

After lunch, we trooped out onto the school field DAX, SIN, DAX, SIN (right, left, right left) watching out for our enemy. They always start their march on their right foot as the left is considered unlucky. We put everything we’d learnt in Roman Army School into practice, marching proudly around the school with our shields. Whist on the playground, we practiced different formations the Testudo formation (which is Latin for tortoise), the Orb and the Wedge.

Before long, we were absolutely exhausted and ready for a break. (How did the Roman soldiers do it all day?!) Luckly for us, next it was the moment we’d all been waiting for… the feast! We gorged on Roman delights such as cheese, tomatoes, olives and grapes. 

A fun and exciting day had by all!