In Year 4, we have quickly gotten back into the swing of things with our exciting new topics.
In Geography, we are looking at different biomes around the world and what it is that makes them unique from one another. We have learnt that there are five major biomes (aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, and tundra), but that they can be subdivided further (tropical rainforest, temperate forest and taiga etc.)

In English, we have been watching the short story of Lily and the Snowman and we have been writing descriptively, including writing from different character’s perspectives. We have written diary entries to explore the different emotions and feelings that Lily and the Snowman might have had throughout the time they spent together.

In Maths, we have been using place value charts to help us understand what happens to a number when we divide and multiply it by 10 and 100. We have also been continuing with our times table practise and have moved onto the 6 times table booklets.

Finally, in Science, we have started learning about the different states of matter and how and why some materials are able to change from one state to another. We have looked at the differences between solids, liquids and gases and we have been planning investigations that we could carry out to explore changing states.