This term in Early Years our overarching theme is ‘Amazing Animals’. We have already had a busy start to the term learning about Minibeasts through our reading of the ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. We will be learning all about Nocturnal animals with the story of ‘Night Monkey, Day Monkey’. We will also be looking at the different food groups (especially fruit and vegetables) and farming through texts such as Supertato, Adams Farm, The little Red hen and Farmer Dan. We will finish the term with the text of ‘Elmer’ the patchwork Elephant.
We will be spending this term consolidating all Phase 2 and 3 phonics sounds and tricky words before moving onto Phase 4. In Maths we are continuing to work with numbers to 5, the children will develop their understanding of the ordinal aspect by investigating the difference in value of consecutive whole numbers. They will spend time discovering that each number has a value of 1 more than the previous number. We will also be looking at composition, representing quantities in different ways and comparison of quantities.
In our skills lessons we will be learning about the different farm animals and what food they may produce. We will be learning about pulse in Music, Vincent Van Goghs famous Sunflowers and Starry Night paintings in Art as well as lots of PSHE lessons including tooth brushing and discussing similarities and differences amongst our peers. As part of DT, we will be designing and making fruit kebabs plus lots more exciting learning opportunities in Geography, History, RE, Science, Music and Art. We will share photos at the end of the term for you to see all the things your child has been up to inside the classroom.