What an amazing half term we had!
We thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Squirrels who squabbled; learning and using new vocabulary such as scampered, scurried, spontaneous and so much more. We wrote fantastic diary entries and loved creating our own comic strip for an adventurous nut race.
Learning all about money was tricky in Maths this half term but once we recognised them as numbers, we became mini experts at adding our pence and pounds! Our knowledge of our times tables continues to strengthen as we encountered the division symbol. We linked it to our learning about sharing and made the connection with our multiplication facts! Can you tell someone at home how 5×4 turns into a division equation?

The division symbol.
In Geography we can now identify all 7 continents and locate the regions where you would find the hottest countries. Can you remember the name of the invisible line and why it is hottest here?

We also know that the coldest places are furthest away.
Fun fact: Antarctica is actually a desert! It is he coldest place on earth and has so little rainfall it classifies as a desert!
Exploring algorithms with our Beebot friends was brilliant! We learnt to follow and create algorithms to enable the beebot to move from a to b. When our algorithms did not work, we learnt to debug them and have another go! Super team work! Can you explain to someone at home how to tell the beebots your algorithms? Which button do we need to press first?

We also had great fun creating our own lava lamps in Science, predicting what would happen at each stage and watching them fizz and bubble.
A massive well done to all the children who have undertaken the scary challenge of talking at the front of the class for their talking time and a big thank you to everyone at home who has made this possible for them. They have all been brilliant so far and loved answering questions from their class members.