Year 5 Spring News

Office UserYear 5, Friends of Brookside, Kangaroos, Wombats

The children came into school in some amazing costumes for World Book day and we enjoyed spending some time in our classes, sharing our favourite stories with each other. We also made a great origami bookmark!
In guided reading, we have finished Holes! Although the ending left some of us frustrated that we had to ‘fill in the holes’ ourselves it was great knowing Stanley and Zero got their happy ending.
Year 5 have been working with Crumbles in their computing lessons over this half term. We are very lucky that FOB (Friends of Brookside) bought Year 5 these coding and programming kits last year. We have created  programmes on our computers to make lights flash in a sequence, then we attached a motorised wheel. We made a man ‘disco dance’ by sticking a picture of a man on the wheel and programming our crumbles to make the man dance, whilst the light was flashing different colours. By the end of this term, we hope to make a working carousel with them.
In Science, we have being exploring different forces and completing some investigations to consolidate our understanding of gravity, water resistance and air resistance, including creating different sized parachutes! We’ll now be exploring some amazing scientists who have discovered brilliant things to do with these topics.
We have created some brilliant, bold brusho paintings in art, inspired by Georgia O’Keefe and her paintings of flowers. We’ve talked about how O’Keefe was unique in her vibrant paintings which focused in on a specific part of the subject she was painting. We looked at many of her paintings before replicating one in our books and then creating our own flower in her likeness.
Finally, in Geography we have been learning about world trade. We’ve discussed how countries will buy and sell different goods from each other because they don’t have the natural resources in their own countries. We spent some time researching different countries imports and exports before choosing a product and planning a trade route for it. Now, we are beginning our significant individuals topic where we will focus on William Wilberforce and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and Emmeline Pankhurst and the Women’s Suffrage Movement.