Exploring Zambia & more!

Lily CollinsYear 2, Moles


Over the last two weeks, we have thoroughly enjoyed look at, reading and innovating ‘The Squirrels who Squabbled’. A wonderful story about two squirrels who are fighting over the last pine cone of the season but all kinds of obstacles and events happen along the way. Our own versions of the stories were super!

In maths we have been looking at money, using our number bonds knowledge to work out the change from £1, remembering that is the same as 100p. If I spent 56p, how much change would I get from £1? Can you explain this to someone at home?

We have travelled to a different continent in Geography, looking at the difference between human and physical features of a country in Africa, Zambia. We are very excited to zoom in further to investigate life in a Zambian village.

Computing brought about a discussion over instructions. Does it make a difference if you place them in a different order? 

Can you decipher this message?


Did you know that all animals grow up and become adults? Can you tell someone at home what this is called and explain how it works for a human or a frog?

We loved watching the video and learning that the Froggie Dad’s are in charge of looking after the eggs once the Mum has laid them!