Puppets Galore!

Lily CollinsYear 2, Moles


WOW! Year 2 have become a truly fantastic set of designers this week as we have begun our Puppet making process. Mrs Clulow and Mrs Bentley were astounded by our abilities to sew a running stitch! We have thought carefully about the materials we will require and begun moulding our newspaper to create a base for our heads. We tightly wrapped this in masking tape, which some of us found very tricky to use!

In maths we have been looking at length and height, measuring in centimetres and Metres and linking our knowledge of numbers to create fact families. I wonder if you can show someone at home how to create 8 number sentences for 6, 7 and 13?  What would the missing number be if I gave you 8 and 7?

In English we have been looking at a book called Kevin. Kevin is Syd’s imaginary friend, upon whom he blames everything that he does wrong. Describing was our main focus as we incorporated verbs and adverbs in our pieces of writing. Syd was sent to his bedroom and then the hatch to the loft started to move. Can you tell someone at home where you thought Syd would end up?

Our Science this term is materials. This week we investigated how certain materials can change shape. Can we stretch them? Can we bend them? Can we tear them? Can we squash them? We thoroughly enjoyed exploring this with a partner.

Computing has allowed us to create our very own pictograms. We have used a J2e program upon the ipads to enter data. We explored the classroom to find the minibeast pictures, hidden by children, created a tally chart and entered this data into a Minibeast Pictogram. We find pictograms easy to answer questions on as the picture clearly shows which category has the most.