Learning to βž— in Jaguars & The King’s Coronation πŸ‘‘

Lily CollinsYear 1, Jaguars


This week has been exciting in Jaguars class.

We continued our work on the local area by going on a short walk along the roads near our school. Before we left, we made sure we had a good understanding of how to stay safe whilst out and about. When walking we enjoyed discussing who we knew that lived near the roads we were on and were fascinated when we found the park! We had to make sure we looked carefully on the walk for different features such as post boxes, bus stops and natural things like trees and hedges. Our checklist also had oceans and forests on but sadly our legs did not take us far enough to see those! We have practiced our map making skills back in class by making a map of our school. Next week we are challenging ourselves to make a map of the walk we went on around the roads.

In Maths, we have been busy learning how to divide. This is a very grown-up word but when Mr. Soughton explained it only actually meant sharing it seemed a lot easier. The children have all learnt that sharing needs to be fair. We have then used counters to make equal groups before learning how to share counters between groups. We realized that this also could become a calculation. E.G sharing 10 cookies between 2 people is the same as 10 Γ· 2.

In Computing we have been busy getting even better at typing, we learnt about the bold, italic and underline buttons whilst still trying to remember how to use finger spaces. 

In Science we had to test some materials to see if they were bendy or not, some of us discovered if you are strong enough you actually can bend metal spoons!

Today we finished the week with an AMAZING coronation celebration day. The whole class looked beautiful in their red, white and blue clothes. The crowns that came in from home were fantastic and had obviously had a lot of time and effort spent on them. We all made a crown in class so that everyone had one to wear, the children loved the chance to be creative. We have also enjoyed making special coronation paper plates to use this weekend, perhaps with a piece of cake at home! This afternoon we had a crazy but fun time mixing up with Year 3 and going to a different activity, we had singing right through to craft activities. What a busy but wonderful day!