A very busy two weeks in Jaguars!

Lily CollinsYear 1, Jaguars


This term has flown by and in Jaguars we’re getting ready for our final week before half-term.

Thank you to everyone who came to our sharing assembly; although some of us were nervous we tried our best and I think that we should all be extremely proud of ourselves for speaking in front of so many people.

Over the last fortnight we have been busy finishing our Geography unit and producing some lovely maps of our walk around our local area. We then moved on to the Art unit that we showed you yesterday. For anyone that didn’t make it we read the book The Dot which is all about a girl who thinks she is rubbish at Art. She learns that even a dot is beautiful. We learnt some new doodling techniques that we practised in our sketchbooks before transferring our favourite ones on to a quarter of a dot. These then joined with 3 other quarts to make a whole dot. Finally, we all contributed to a giant class dot!

Splitting the dot into quarters was perfectly timed as in Maths we have been learning about fractions. We began by splitting shapes in half and then moved on to splitting amounts in half. Both of these were quite simple. When we moved on to quarters it got a little trickier but we still did well. We had to cut shapes into 4 equal pieces and then split amounts of objects into 4 as well. 

In English last week we did some very funny work about a book called The King’s Pants.This story produced lots of laughs and we then designed our own amazing pants and made a job advert for a new chief pant picker for the new King. This week we’ve moved om to a much more sensible story of The Three Little Pigs.We are focused on locking the story order into our brains so that we can then try and improve it, we are all better writers than the real authors after all!