Art Curriculum
At Brookside, we aim for Art and Design to support the development of our children’s creativity and individuality whilst challenging and inspiring their future. We believe that the teaching of Art and Design provides a key role in creating a balanced and purposeful curriculum at Brookside that is inclusive for every child. Art provides pupils with the opportunity to create work that is different to that of others whilst still learning the same skills, allowing us to share and celebrate as a community the development of independence and originality.
We aim for pupils to become proficient in their use of key skills, including drawing, painting and sculpture. They begin by exploring tools and materials in their Early Years and then progressing to applying and developing their skills and knowledge to a deeper level. Each year, pupils will explore a range of great artists and craft makers to broaden their understanding and contextualise skills learnt. Pupils will practice, build on and refine key skills on their journey of creativity.
To ensure high standards of teaching and learning, we implement a curriculum that is progressive across the whole school and focusses on the knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum.
At Brookside Academy, we teach art skills across the year in discrete lessons. Throughout the year, children will learn how to draw, paint and create sculpture. They will look at the work of a relevant artist, sculptor or crafts practitioner, when developing their own piece.
From Early Years to Year 6, the children have the opportunity to explore, develop and apply their skills. Children have the opportunity to develop their knowledge through opportunities to explore different tools, media and techniques, as well as learning progressive skills and techniques, building on the previous year’s learning.
Each project from Year 1 – Year 6 culminates in an end-point at which, individuals are able to bring everything together and create a finished piece.
In Key Stage 2, children are supported and encouraged to produce and develop their own personal sketchbooks. These will go with them into the next year group. Here, they are able to experiment, develop ideas and reflect on what they have learnt and produced.
Each Summer Term, we immerse children in a Creativity Week, in which all children have the chance to explore art, design, decorative crafts and architecture within a specific cultural focus. This culminates with a chance celebrate and share learning and achievements across the whole school community.
By the end of their time with us, we aim for pupils to have learnt, improved and embedded a range of artistic skills. They will be aware of a broad range of artists, sculptors and craftspeople and have had the opportunity to consider, appraise and learn from their work. Pupils should be confident to explore experiment and grow as artists, and be able to recognise and understand the value of the process of thought and application.
Ultimately, we want children to have become confident and find enjoyment in being creative and using self-expression
Curriculum Overview (Early Years - Year 6)

Quotes from pupils
Year 6 - ‘I didn’t think that I liked art that much, but I gave it a go and actually, it’s quite good. I’ve found something that I didn’t know I liked.’ Josh
Year 5 – ‘Art allows me to use my creativity and imagination.’ Bea
‘Art is fun because you get to use a variety of materials.’ Emma
‘Practice in art helps us to perfect our skills.’ Poppy
Year 4 - ‘We did a Pop Art of ourselves. They look great on the wall.’ Naomi
‘I love doing collages. We did one of King Charles for the coronation.’ Naomi
Year 3 -‘I like art because we learn different art styles.’ Teo
‘I like creating new colours.’ Chloe
Year 1 –`I like art because sometimes we get to paint.’ Hazel
‘I liked art when we got to draw the robots.’ Isla-Rose
EYS – ‘I love art! Sticking tissue paper on Elmer was amazing!’ Isabelle
‘Using pens to design a pebble was really fun!’ Clementine
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