Roman Day

Office UserYear 3, Gophers, Meerkats

On Roman Day, we attended Roman Army school and learnt about what life was like for a Roman child and the strict training routine they had to do to … Read More

‘Time’ in Gophers

Office UserYear 3, Gophers

Last week was science week and to celebrate the theme ‘Time’ we looked at our reaction times. The children were set a series of challenges … Read More

Gophers – Geography

Office UserYear 3, Gophers

In geography this term, we have been learning about South America and its human and physical features. We started by learning the 12 countries of … Read More

Gophers – Computing!

Office UserYear 3, Gophers

In computing this term we have been learning about branching databases to classify objects by their attributes.  A good branching database must have objects split … Read More