

Teacher: Miss Burge

Welcome to the Dolphins Class!

Year 4 is a fantastic year full of new learning opportunities. Some of he highlights include recreating the digestive system in science, creating sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth and delving in to the Rainforest to find out about the animals and plants that live there.

Miss Burge

Teaching Assistants
Mrs Chiffers
Mrs Rampere
Miss Brown

Foundation Subjects Overview

Information Sharing Sessions
  • 8th March 2024 - KS2 Open Sharing Afternoon

Key Dates
  • 20th - 21st March 2024 - Spring Parents' Evening
  • 13th June 2024 - Sports Day
  • 1st - 5th July 2024 - Creative Week
  • 19th July 2024 - Reports out to Parents/Carers
  • 23rd July 2024 - 'Moving Up' Session

More 'Key Dates' to follow...


Thursday afternoons - sport with Mr Ball, Mr Perry & Miss Wicks.
Please bring P.E. kit into school.

Tuesday mornings - sport with the class teacher.
Please wear P.E. kit to school and bring school uniform in, to change into.

P.E. kit is a red Brookside t-shirt, black shorts and/or black joggers/leggings, a sweatshirt/hoodie and trainers.

School Uniform Info



Weekly spellings and reading records will be sent home on a Monday. Reading records need to be returned on a Monday morning and children will be tested every Monday on the previous week's spellings. In Year 4, children are expected to read at home at least 4 times a week. Reading should be recorded in their reading records.


In Year 4, the children need to know their times tables up to and including 12 x 12. All children are encouraged to practise their times tables at home regularly - and use TT Rockstars.

Latest News:

For more news about what the Dolphins have been doing in class click HERE