Geography Curriculum
At Brookside, we aim to deliver high-quality Geography Curriculum which inspires pupils, developing curiosity about the world and it's people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We strive to develop their knowledge of the world, as well as their place within it. Our intention is that in providing children with opportunities to investigate and build geographical knowledge and understanding from their local area to wider world, we encourage an appreciation of diversity of people, places and environments. Knowledge taught is vast and varied enabling children to become global citizens.
We want our children to be active learners, so we strive to develop their map, fieldwork and investigate skills and encourage them to raise questions about their local community and the wider world. Our aim is to develop our pupils' understanding of how humans have an impact, increasing awareness of environmental issues and encouraging pupils to pupils to become responsible, reflective members of the community.
In the Early Years it is the first opportunity to see how a child interacts with their environment and how the environment influences them. Staff follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework which aims to guide children, to make sense of their physical world and their community by allowing them to explore, observe and find out about people, places technology and the environment.
In KS1 and KS2, teaching is linked to the National Curriculum guidelines to ensure all aspects, knowledge and skills of Geography are being taught across all year groups. Each year group covers at least three units a year based on an overview that outlines skills and knowledge to be taught to ensure progression. All aspects are covered: locational, and place knowledge: human and physical features and interactions; and geographical skills. The units are organised to aid children's understanding, building on immediate localities to localities in the wider world. Through the units, children are given opportunities to develop their geographical skills using basic to more detailed sources, including atlases, globes and digital maps.
The overview of learning medium-term plans include a 'Big Picture' linked to previous learning that facilitates teachers in relating learning to previous learning, ensuring consolidation and the continued development of skills and knowledge.
Geography assessment is ongoing within lessons and informs teachers in planning subsequent lesson activities and differentiation. At the end of each unit, children are assessed as 'working towards' or 'at or above age-related expectations', informing future planning, targeting and teaching.
Progress and attainment in Geography is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising children's work.
Namely by:
- Looking at pupils' work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge
- Looking at Medium Term Planning.
- Looking at subject formative data
- Observing how children perform in lessons.
- Talking to children about what they know, including how they enjoy Geography and different areas of it.
At Brookside Academy, we focus on observing and evaluating our end goals:
- Children foster a love and enthusiasm for the subject area, showing interest in learning further about many aspects of the subject.
- As well as developing a secure understanding of geographical content taught, children develop strong geographical skills, using resources, enquiring, raising questions and investigating.
- Learning is progressive, investigative and reflective.
Curriculum Overview

Quotes from pupils
'We did a walk around Street, that was fun and we ticked stuff that we saw' Jay'C (Year 1)
'I like in Geography when we make maps because we have to walk around the place first' Cami (Year 1)
'South America is full of amazing nature and manmade features.' Pupil (Year 3)
'Chile is shaped like a chilli!' Pupil (Year 3)
'I enjoyed doing the field study around Street.' Keeton (Year 5)
'I love using the atlases to find new countries and research them.' Oliver (Year 5)