Dear Parents / Carers,
With the continued challenges that Covid 19 brings we would just like to clarify the latest procedures and guidance on remote education as and when this is required. The latest guidance states that where a class, group or a small number of pupils need to self-isolate or local restrictions require pupils to remain at home then remote education will be available for pupils.
In the event of this happening then Purple Mash will be the platform where you can access your child`s learning (with Nursery being the exception). For each year group core resources would be the following:
Early Years – Purple Mash, Oak National Academy, Rising Stars Online Reading, hyper links to websites and games to support phonics, reading and maths.
Years 1 and 2 – Purple Mash, Oak National Academy, Rising Stars Online Reading, Teach your monster to read - phonics based online learning, White Rose Maths, TT Rockstars and Numbots
Years 3 and 4 – Purple Mash, Oak National Academy, Rising Stars Online Reading, White Rose Maths, TT Rockstars
Years 5 and 6 – Purple Mash, Oak National Academy, Rising Stars Online Reading, White Rose Maths, TT Rockstars
Specialist Provision – Purple Mash, Oak Academy and PLIMs (Personal Learning Intention Maps – copies have been sent home already)
Nursery – In the case of self-isolation please let the Academy office know if you require home learning ideas, a member of the team will then contact you directly.
All learning will be published on Purple Mash. Every week a class blog will be uploaded onto by the class teachers with details about your child’s learning. It will contain clear instructions about what work will need to be completed, where the work can be found and details about any additional resources that will be useful and where they can be found.
To find the class blog:
- Click on Sharing (this is in green with a green world on the top left)
- Click on the tab, ‘Sharing Blogs’
- Click on your child’s class
Your child can also post questions or comments in the blog about their work; the teachers will then respond as soon as possible. The aim of the work is to ensure your child continues to learn as much as possible, therefore the teachers will use a wide range of resources to ensure this happens. There was a common misconception during the last period of home learning that the children only complete work set as 2dos. Please read the blog carefully as additional links and resources will be available. Many of the tasks are not set as 2dos as we are trying to set your child varied work that will help and challenge them the most.
Please note:
- Some tasks involve watching videos taught by teachers with questions to answer as your child watches; these cannot be shown as 2dos, please follow the hyperlinks in the blog.
- Some tasks involve internet research or reading PowerPoints or documents saved in your Work folder; these will not be shown as 2dos.
- Sometimes the 2dos templates don't allow your child to do their work easily or publish it online, please encourage your child to record their answers on paper or in a word document. Feel free to vary how you support your child to record their work, if unsure then please contact us via the class blog or the school office.
In the event of a whole class or year group being at home teachers will be available during school hours, however for individuals self-isolating teacher feedback will be at the end of the school day due to their ongoing teaching commitments at school. If you are having issues with online access whilst learning at home or need any additional support with home learning, then please contact the school office so that we can plan the best way to support you.
Naturally there is no substitute for children being in their classrooms accessing face to face learning with their own teachers and their peers, and no system will replace this or will suit every family. Working from home is not easy. Please do not worry if your child struggles with motivation during this time; this is not unusual. Do not worry about your child ‘falling behind’; other children are facing the same situation.
We aim to provide a wide range of activities as every child is different; some children speed and skim through activities, whilst others prefer to focus on detail and depth. Some children love completing school work, whereas others don’t. Some work best online and some on paper. Every child is unique so please don’t put pressure on yourself for them to complete everything.
We hope that you will continue to work with us and our home learning arrangements. By working together and keeping us informed of any issues we can endeavour to meet any challenges head on.
Kind regards,
Home Learning