

Teacher: Mrs Foster

Welcome to the Jaguars Class!

Year 1 is an exciting year, full of learning and fun. Children will take their first steps of the National Curriculum while continuing to explore and discover the world around them. Throughout the year we will enjoy a trip to Puxton Park, walks around our local area and joining in various whole-school activities.

Mrs Foster

Information Sharing Sessions
  • 14th March 2025 - KS1 Open Sharing Afternoon
  • 5th June 2025 - Year 1 Sharing Assembly
Key Dates
  • 26th & 27th March 2025 - Spring Parents' Evening
  • 18th June 2025 - Sports Day
  • 1st - 4th July 2025 - Creative Week
  • 4th July 2025 - Reports out to Parents/Carers
  • 11th July 2025- 'Moving Up' Session

More 'Key Dates' to follow...  


Tuesday mornings - sport with Mr Ball, Mr Perry & Miss Wicks.
Please bring P.E. kit into school.

Flexible afternoons - sport with the class teacher.
No P.E. kit required.

Friday afternoon (every other week) - children who wear their P.E. kit for Enrichment will wear their kit home.

P.E. kit is a red Brookside t-shirt, black shorts and/or black joggers/leggings, a sweatshirt/hoodie and trainers.

School Uniform Info



Spellings will be sent home each Wednesday. The homework folder needs to be returned on the following Monday for a spelling test.


Children are expected to read at home at least three times a week. Please record in their reading record as children are rewarded a house point for reading three times a week.


For news about what classes have been doing recently, look at the news pages HERE