

Teacher: Miss Bailey

Welcome to the Meerkats Class!

Year 3 is the first year of Key Stage 2 and we encourage children to enjoy and embrace every learning opportunity. The highlights of the year include our seaside trip, where we get to explore the Jurassic coast, discovering the different Gods through Ancient Greek myths and find out how volcanos are formed. We can't wait for you to join us.

Miss Bailey

Foundation Subjects Overview

Information Sharing Sessions
  • 13th February 2024 - Year 3 Sharing Assembly
  • 7th March 2025 - KS2 Open Sharing Afternoon
Key Dates
  • 26th - 27th March 2025 - Spring Parents' Evening
  • 18th June 2025 - Sports Day
  • 1st - 4th July 2025 - Creative Week
  • 4th July 2025 - Reports out to Parents/Carers
  • 11th July 2025 - 'Moving Up' Session

More 'Key Dates' to follow...


Tuesday mornings - sport with Mr Ball, Mr Perry & Miss Wicks.
Please wear P.E. kit into school and bring uniform to change into afterwards.

Thursday afternoons - sport with the class teacher.
Please bring P.E. kit into school.

P.E. kit is a red Brookside t-shirt, black shorts and/or black joggers/leggings, a sweatshirt/hoodie and trainers.

School Uniform Info



Weekly spellings will be sent home on a Tuesday with spelling books. Please return the books on a Monday morning, when children will be tested on 10 of these. Books are not to be written in at home, but are provided for you to see weekly scores. To practice these, you could ask your child to show you rainbow writing, pyramid writing or get them to write the words in sentence.


Times tables underpin the Maths Curriculum in Year 3, please help your child become secure with their 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s and 10 times tables.


Children should read at least 4 times a week at home. They will have a weekly reading task to complete; this will be in their reading journal.


For news about what classes have been doing recently, look at the news pages HERE