P.E Curriculum
Physical Education within Brookside Academy is an ever-growing subject, allowing pupils to gain an insight into the world of exercise and sport. We aim to create a sociable, yet competitive atmosphere that will help develop a variety of key skills needed to thrive within Physical Education. Children will be encouraged to explore P.E and develop a ‘can do’ attitude towards their learning. We encourage children to participate in every session to the best of their ability and to persevere at every opportunity. PE, as in other subjects, is about personal bests and striving to improve on what we can do.
At Brookside, we provide a safe space for children to grow in confidence within Physical Education, providing them with important cognitive, sociable and team skills, along with enhancing their physical and communication skills. We encourage children to exhibit their interests and achievements within sport by participating in extra-curricular activities inside or outside of the academy. These are celebrated as part of Academy life at every opportunity.
We also promote healthy decision-making and promote the importance of Physical Education and activity as a lifelong pursuit.
At Brookside PE is taught across all year groups throughout the academy. Sessions last for 1 hour and 30 minutes and are delivered by our in house specialist sports coaches. Each class also has a top up session each week allowing our pupils to access a minimum of 2 hours physical activity per week. Class teachers deliver these extra sessions with the aid of ‘Real P.E’, a platform which helps support every child to develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life. The PE curriculum is focused on being progressive, varied and achievable, whilst following what is stated in the National Curriculum. Each year group has a chance to challenge and explore their physical skills, along with developing new skills, techniques and knowledge to help them achieve their personal best.
- Short ‘Sports Intervention’ sessions are accessed by those who need assistance with the fundamentals of PE
- Swimming sessions are offered on a weekly basis to those who do not meet the required National Curriculum standard.
- Sports Enrichment sessions happen across the academy every fortnight, where children are given different opportunities to explore PE
- Paid Extra-Curricular activities are on offer for specific Key Stages every evening after school.
- Competitive competitions are entered throughout the course of the year (including football, netball, cross-country and rounders).
In Early Years, children will be exploring the fundamentals of PE, such as basic movement patterns and spatial awareness. These are key skills which enable children to become more competent which other physical activities throughout their time at Brookside. In Key Stage 1 we progress these skills and embed a more cognitive and creative approach, allowing children to explore, challenge learn new skills and knowledge. In KS2 children will again progress the skills they have already learnt as well as learning about the importance of team work, communication, leadership and many more traits which impact upon their sporting knowledge. By the end of their time with us, children will be able to understand and apply sporting principles to life situations as well as in a sporting environment. They will understand the impact physical activity and leading a healthy active lifestyle has on the body both physically and mentally.
Progress and attainment in PE is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising children’s work.
Namely by:
- Observing children within lessons
- Discussing with children about what they know
- Tracking pupils progress in September, December and July
P.E Overview

Quotes from pupils
Early Years – “I like P.E because we get better at football and gymnastics”
Year 1 – “I get to play games and listen to the teachers instructions to help me get better”
Year 2 – “I like being active and taking part in sport. Even when you lose it’s still fun!”
Year 3 – “It’s fun, I like doing throwing and jumping in athletics and doing exercise to help me have a healthy body”
Year 4 – “We get to learn outside and do different sports and games”
Year 5 “It’s fun and enjoyable. We get to exercise and stay healthy. It makes you determined to achieve your goal.”
Year 6 – “I like the fact there is a variety of sports that we get to learn”.