Useful Links
Somerset SENDIAS
Somerset SENDIAS provides information, advice and support about special educational needs and disability (SEND) for parent carers, children and young people (up to the age of 25).
The service is free, confidential and impartial. They encourage partnership working with schools, colleges, early years providers, the Local Authority and other statutory and voluntary services, so that parent carers children and young people can be part of decision making.
Follow the link to their website HERE
Somerset Parent Carer Forum
The Somerset Parent Carer Forum began in October 2012 with an independent group of parent carers united by their experiences, passion and commitment to ensuring that parent carers are invited and empowered to participate in decision making in the Local Authority Health Service and ultimately Government.
They work with children, parents, families and SEND workers to offer advice, support and information in order to improve SEND outcomes for all stakeholders.
To get more information and get in touch with this valuable group then go to
Somerset Local Offer
The Local Offer provides information on the services available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged between 0 to 25 and how to access them.
The Local Offer has been produced as a joint effort between Somerset County Council and Somerset Parent Carer Forum and young people's groups in schools and in colleges as well as though commissioned activity through Compass Disability.
The Local Offer includes information about the provision available in Somerset for children and young people with special educational needs, and those for whom the local authority is responsible, regardless of whether or not they have Education, Health and Care Plans.
The Local Offer covers:
- education, health and care provision for children and young people with SEN and/or disability;
- arrangements for identifying and assessing children and young people with SEN, including arrangements for requesting an EHC needs assessment;
- other education provision (outside of schools or colleges such as sports or arts provision) training provision, including apprenticeships;
- arrangements for travel to and from schools, post 16 institutions and early years providers;
- support to help children and young people in moving between phases of education and to prepare for adulthood;
- sources of information, advice and support in the area relating to SEN, parent carer forums, support groups, childcare and leisure activities;
- arrangements for making complaints, for the resolution of disagreements, mediation and parents' and young people's right to appeal