

Teacher: Mrs Clist

Information Sharing Sessions
  • 14th March 2025 - KS1 Open Sharing Afternoon
  • 5th June 2025 - Year 1 Sharing Assembly
Key Dates
  • 26th -27th March 2025 - Spring Parents' Evening
  • 18th June 2025 - Sports Day
  • 1st - 4th July 2025 - Creative Week
  • 4th July 2025 - Reports out to Parents/Carers
  • 11th July 2025 - 'Moving Up' Session

More 'Key Dates' to follow...


Tuesday mornings - sport with Mr Ball, Mr Perry & Miss Wicks.
Please bring P.E. kit into school.

Flexible afternoons - sport with the class teacher.
No P.E. kit required.

Friday afternoon (every other week) - children who wear their P.E. kit for enrichment will wear their P.E. kit home.

P.E. kit is a red Brookside t-shirt, black shorts and/or black joggers/leggings, a sweatshirt/hoodie and trainers.

School Uniform Info



Spellings will be sent home each Wednesday. The homework folder needs to be returned on the following Monday for a spelling test.


Children are expected to read at home at least three times a week. Please record in their reading record as children are rewarded a house point for reading three times a week.


For news about what classes have been doing recently, look at the news pages HERE