The Brookside Academy School Uniform
At Brookside we do our best to keep our uniform simple and reasonably priced
- White or red shirt / blouse / polo shirt
- Brookside sweatshirt or cardigan
- Grey or black skirt or trousers / shorts
- Red and white summer dress
- Black shoes

PE Kit
- Red T shirt and black shorts / jogging bottoms
- Black daps/plimsolls indoors, trainers (any colour) outdoor
- Draw-string PE bag

All New Intake (Year R) children will be given a Brookside Academy book bag before they start school in September.

Please ensure all uniform items are clearly named.
Sweatshirts, cardigans, PE kit and book bags can be ordered from Tor Printing by clicking HERE
Hair should be natural in colour and not of an extreme style (Mohicans, skinheads, or tramlines are not acceptable).